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Legito PowerUp 2022: Success Story Telia

How international company Telia successfully implemented automation solutions for Legal assisting the Sourcing community.

Christel and Viive work for Telia – the largest telecoms operator in the Baltic and Nordic countries. Their journey to Legito began with a project to better support their sourcing team.

The Telia wish-list for a new solution will resonate with many organizations:

  • Create contracts from templates, supported by clause libraries
  • Save time spent on repetitive work
  • Create documents with only relevant text included
  • Deploy a simple tool that wouldn’t require programming skills
  • Reduce human error
  • The tool must be intuitive for users

Christel offered a good observation about the last item:
What does it mean to make a solution intuitive for users?

Users answer questions about their requirements, and Telia wanted sourcing managers to be able to see how the answers affected the output from the solution. Legito provides a visual experience that makes it easy for managers to see how they influence the output. That isn’t the way some other tools work.

The concept of a ‘minimum viable product’ (‘MVP’) is becoming more widely applied to technology projects. Telia deliberately started with a launch to a limited set of users and an MVP approach to content, before rolling out to a broader group.

Christel said the limited initial launch delivered important benefits:

  • The first users provided good feedback – Telia used the feedback to refine the solution before the bigger rollout.
  • The first users created hype in the sourcing team. Other members of the team noticed their colleagues enjoying the benefits, and they wanted to be added to the program – this created enthusiasm for the wider rollout.

Telia already had a good ‘toolbox’ of documents before they started the project, but the toolbox didn’t provide a way to offer guidance on how to use the documents. Telia found that Legito made it possible to provide guidance during the document creation process, which made it possible to create shorter documents.

Telia configured the solution and built their templates within their internal team. They feel that it took a little longer to learn to use all the Legito features, but they later discovered that they needed all the features to build a solution that exactly matched their needs. When selecting a solution, it isn’t always obvious what features you will need when a project is well underway.

Christel and Viive shared their tips for success, which we find to be consistent with what other organisations say:

  • Take time to create a house style before you start building templates if you want all the materials to have the same look and feel, regardless of who does the drafting
  • The project team needs to be big enough to avoid being reliant on just one or two people – this will also make it easier to expand and maintain your project over time
  • Do some planning before starting work on content creation – it makes it more likely you can re-use content. It’s tempting to start work immediately, but planning will make you more efficient.

It was great to hear the feedback from the sourcing team at Telia, and their plans for expanding the work done by Legito. We thank Christel and Viive for sharing their experience.

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